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MEDIA.SOHU.COM  2003年09月06日14:44  环球视野

  新闻纵深 News Insight




  Total Defiance

  A bomb blast rocked the United Nations headquarters in Iraq on August 19 which led to 24 death and 100 more injured, among the dead were UN special envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello. De Mello is the UN worker of the highest rank that was killed after another Middle East-based envoy being killed in 1948. Many nations strongly criticized the party involved in the attack.

  Since the United Nations began its peace keeping mission in 1948, around 1,750 of its representatives were killed in various accidents. From 1992, 221 civil workers died in airplane-related incidents, gunshots and bomb blasts. Among them 28 are victims of plane crashes, 123 killed in gunshots, 52 sacrificed among tribal conflicts, 16 blown up by bombs and landmines and 2 casualties of hijacks.




  Endless Attacks

  Since US announced war had ended in Iraq on May 1, 65 coalition troops have been killed and the Iraq armed forces began to target locals who work for the allied forces. Starting from July, 3 translators were slain and the three provinces north of Baghdad controlled by US’s 4th Infantry Division where locals who assisted the army also met with malicious attacks. 17 journalists were also killed since the Iraq war.

  The attackers aim to destroy the rebuilding work by US troops besides the soldiers themselves, and the targets go to water pipelines and oil facilities as well. Their strategy had turned from hilt to hilt, guerrillas fights and the recent suicide car bombs attack.




  Opposition Forces

  There are altogether 4 anti-US powers in Iraq, the first is the remaining force of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, the second antagonism comes from religious believers and nationalists, the third one belongs to radicals who lost their relatives in the Iraq war, and the fourth one is the Arabic terrorists like al-Qaeda guerrillas. It is obvious that the road to rebuild Iraq is scabrous.

  US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, he sees no need to increase troop levels in Iraq even after the car bombs attack to UN’s headquarters. At present, there are 145,000 soldiers based in Iraq. While United Nations has evacuated 100 unnecessary workers out of the 300 ones working in Iraq. An official in Washington expressed that , “We seem to be moving towards a new Afghanistan, Somali or Chechnya, though not likely a new Vietnam.”




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