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MEDIA.SOHU.COM  2003年09月06日14:40  环球视野

  世事万花筒World Focus  2003.9.5

  封面专题 Cover Story


  Border Chaos


  Since July 28, the "individual visit" scheme for Mainland tourists becomes the catalyst to Hong Kong’s economy. However, amenities like transportation, hygiene at checkpoints and other facilities still fall behind the extra travelers flow. However, the government seems a bit slow in launching corresponsive measures and is being feckless.



  A Boost to the Economy

  In recent years, Hong Kong has become the biggest market for Mainland tourists. With the central government’s open policy to allow residents in the Mainland to visit Hong Kong on an individual basis, this has given a boost to the region’s tourism and overall economy. Mainland residents then can come to Hong Kong on their own without signing up with travel agencies. Once the scheme is effective for Beijing and Shanghai, the arrival of Mainland tourists are expected to reach over 10 million and they will bring about HKD50 billion of extra money to Hong Kong in the coming year.



  Swarms of Pressure

  Despite beneficial factors that will bring to Hong Kong, the influx of passengers will levy pressure to overland border crossings in both Guangdong and Hong Kong. At present, there are 4 overland border crossings in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, Lo Wu, Lok Ma Chau, Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok. There are around 270,000 inbound and departing travelers, which are over 90% of every day’s count, passing through Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau (refer to Table 1). Since residents in Guangdong Province are allowed to visit Hong Kong individually, there were around 100,000 applicants flying from over the region for registration. By that time, the two border crossings have to take up more passenger load and the situation will lead to chaos.



  Overland Traffic Being Overlooked

  To tell the truth, overland traffic improvement has been overlooked by the government. Since 1997, passenger flow has been increasing by more than 10%. In 1997, the annual influx reached 800,000 and added up to over 1,200,000 in 2002 (refer to Table 2). Years of analysis and betterment have led to opening of more checkpoint counters during holidays and extended border crossings to 24 hours services since January this year. However, there is not much improvement and as much time is needed for passengers to depart and the situation worsens before and after long holidays. The blame goes to the government which does not get on hand the real need for overland traffic and actively looks for measures. Since the “individual visits” scheme has put into action, all checkpoints are still in hurry-scurry.



  Unachieved Amenities

  We have gone to the four control points and find that they are not well prepared to manage large numbers of future visitors. Lo Wu Station is the one with the most comprehensive facilities, but owing to run-up of passengers in recent years, it has reached saturation. While Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok have their own limitations owing to their positions and plottage, both of them do not have sufficient checkpoint counters and traffic lines to tackle with the load. As in Lok Ma Chau, everything is still under construction and travelers have to pass through lash-up tunnels beside the site to reach the lobby. Sanitation is also a problem that arrests bad impression.



  Lack of Foresight

  Last year, the number of visiting passengers to Hong Kong has reached 6.83 million, which is 41% out of the total number of the 16.57 million visitors for the whole year. Actually, Mainland travelers have become the main support to Hong Kong tourism. Even the “individual visits” scheme has not been dispensed, the number of influx will still be increasing and the government should have solved the problems earlier. The government has for a long time overlooked overall planning and development of the overland ports, many of the transit facilities become an eyesore to outsiders. In fact, the government turns a blind eye to the traffic problem between Mainland and Hong Kong. That is worth a matter for it to give a well treat.



  The Required Measures

  The ports are the gateway of Hong Kong and the judgment of Mainland travelers on Hong Kong will directly affect the future of Hong Kong’s tourism. The government should figure out measures that will solve the problem on mass influx in the long run. Which include increasing manpower, simplifying the process, improving facilities at checkpoints and incrementing traffic turns. What is more important is to increase the number of cross-border ports and work closely with Shenzhen to offer special privileges to passengers going through Sha Tau Kok and Man Kam To. The October 1 golden week will be the high time of incoming travelers. If Hong Kong government has not done its job to improve everything in a month’s time, we can tell the picture.




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