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MEDIA.SOHU.COM  2003年08月14日18:53  环球视野

  印尼爆炸 Indonesia Blast

  标题:恐怖份子肆虐 Terrorists Run Amok



  During lunchtime in August 5, a fiery car bomb exploded at JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia. The carnage has killed 10 and injured 150. The basement, where the blast took place, and the lobby of the hotel were seriously damaged. There was also a brilliant burst of fire spoiled the lower five stories.

  Two possible suspect faces were then released to the public: one of them has bought the involved car two weeks before, while another one was suspected to be in charge of bomb works. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the bombing, but Indonesian authority found a dead body of a Jemaah Islamiyah member and claimed the organization is the plotter.



  Marriott Hotel

  An American-owned global chain luxury hotel. JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta is invested by Indonesia-Chinese businessman, which is located in a busy business district comprising 33 stories of 333 rooms. Nearby are tens of foreign embassies and consulates and a number of foreign-invested enterprises. Since its open in September 2001, the hotel has been welcomed by many travelers. US Secretary of State Colin Powell stayed in the hotel when he was visiting the country in 2002. It is also a frequent site for US ambassadors to hold functions.



  Jemaah Islamiyah

  The organization is coined as radical militant Islamist group. Being founded in the 1940s, it aims to establish a Muslim fundamentalist state in Southeast Asia. With its base in Java and active in Southeast Asia, there are some 5,000 members and earned notorious violence records. Some says Jemaah Islamiyah is closely linked with al-Qaeda, from which it has received at least USD130,000 in the past 5 years. At the same time, its support to al-Qaeda by providing accommodation to the terrorists hijacking the flight of American Airlines in 2000 is a case in point. Pictured is Abu Bakar Bashir, alleged spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah.



  Jakarta and Bali Bombings

  The blast happened two days before the first verdict in the trial of a key suspect in the Bali nightclub bombings last October. Other verdicts are on trial, including the alleged Jemaah Islamiyah leader Abu Bakar Bashir. Tact and elements of bombs has linked up the incident with the Bali bombings. So much so that it let people to believe it is revenge by Jemaah Islamiyah. After the Bali bombings, some thirty core members were arrested, however, the incident has proved that the organization is still strong enough to pose menace to the Southeastern Asian region.


  Amrozi bin Nurhasyim, one of the key suspects in the Bali bombings, smiles after judges handed down death sentence during his trial on August 7.




  Anti-Terrorist Intelligence

  Indonesian police charged 7 Jemaah Islamiah members last month in connection with a large cache of explosive seizure, including 2,000 pounds of potassium chloride, 350 pounds of TNT and 1,200 detonators. With a potential of more powerful blasts by such large cache of explosives, the authority has strengthened security in the hotel area.

  Besides, a week before the incident, US had given alert of terrorist attack. On August 5, the Homeland Security Department of the US sent an advisory to law enforcement personnel nationwide alerting them to the possibility that terrorists could use electronics to launch attacks. After the incident, anti-terrorism experts disclosed that more attacks are expected in the near future.


  Security has been strengthened in hotels, shopping malls and office buildings in Indonesia.



  Anti-Terrorism Measures

  Indonesia is the most populous country with a Muslim majority. Its significance in the global fight against Islamic terrorism can hardly be overstated. Securing a country against terrorism, however, is a formidable challenge. Just 4 days before the hotel blast, Indonesia’s President Megawati Sukarnoputri declared her determination to uproot terrorism, which received no concern by the terrorists. When delivering the inaugural ASEAN lecture, Megawati said that the regional body's plans for fighting terrorism had been shown up as inadequate. She called for “a global coalition involving all nations, all religions and cultures to defeat this threat”.


  In the wake of the bombing, “strong action” has been called for fighting terrorism.


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