供应链管理Supply Chain Management. 现代营商策略 现代商业讲求贸易伙伴紧密合作,一套名为供应链管理的策略,有助企业以最低的成本和最高效率,留住客户。本刊就供应链管理的重要性,访问了香港货品编码协会董事局主席史密夫先生。 Modern Business Strategy Modern business strategy requires commitment of trading partners to work in tandem to bring maximum value to the consumers for the least possible total supply chain cost and time. We have interviewed Mr Glenn Smith, Chairman of The Hong Kong Article Numbering Association (HKANA) Board on the importance of Supply Chain Management (SCM). 史密夫指出:「供应链管理为企业提供一个框架,让产品由生产过程到达消费市场,得以减低成本,让消费者最终受惠。我们的责任,是打破企业之间的障碍,让他们交换彼此市场占有率的讯息,掌握大家在产品、顾客及市场上的资料,互相合作来达到双赢。发展高速的制造及零售业采用这套管理方案,如医疗护理、物流和服装等,将会得到最明显的好处。」 Mr Smith pointed out, “Supply Chain Management provides a framework for businesses to reduce cost in moving goods from production to the market place. Consumers are the beneficiaries at the end. Our role is to break barriers between companies and let them exchange market share information to learn about each other’s products, customers and markets. The aim is to create a win-win situation. The main sectors that will benefit most from Supply Chain Management include fast-moving industries such as health care, logistics and apparel.” 史密夫强调:「供应链管理仍在起步阶段,香港货品编码协会将透过不同渠道,将这套管理方案的优点向有兴趣的参与者介绍。例如十一月中在香港举办的年度供应链管理总裁高峰会,我们邀请了不同业界的总裁、区域总监及决策当局的代表,向与会者讲解他们的成功例子。协会的图书馆亦有丰富的个案研究资料,让机构作为复制成功的范例。」 Mr Smith stressed that, “Supply Chain Management is still in the early stages, we have to keep on reinforcing the message about the benefits of SCM. We have invited CEOs, regional directors and decision-making authorities to share about their experience and success in the coming annual SCM CEO Summit to be held in November. Our library also has many projects and case studies that proved the success for companies to duplicate these projects.” 对于香港与内地签署《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》后所带来的商机,史密夫认为:「《安排》将可促进两地之间的贸易往还,特别是由香港引进中国的贸易机会。供应链管理将成为两地必不可缺的经贸合作模式,两地亦将要拥有共同的标准及文件,这样的合作关系,有助强化香港与中国及世界之间的贸易便利。」 On trading opportunities since the signing of CEPA between Hong Kong and the Mainland, Mr Smith said, “Essentially, CEPA will result in more trade between Hong Kong and China, specifically more trade from Hong Kong to China. Supply Chain Management will become more critical and there needs to have common standards and documentation that is acceptable to both authorities. This will strengthen Hong Kong’s position as facilitation of trade between China and the rest of the world.” 香港货品编码协会 在一九八九年由香港总商会成立,负责向政府及工商界就供应链管理的最新发展提供建议,协助企业实施有关之最佳实务、国际标准及应用技术。协会亦是国际货品编码协会之驻港代表机构,后者之会员遍布全球一百三十三个国家和地区,拥有约一百万名会员。 HKANA Founded by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce in 1989. As a leading supply chain management organization, it advises industry on the latest developments in Supply Chain Management and help business to implement its best practices and enabling technologies. It is the local chapter of EAN International, a global supply chain standards organization with around 1,000,000 members in 133 countries worldwide. 转自搜狐 |