Bubbly Colors
The styles and colors of Spanish fashion design, are often injected with bubbly elements like that of its race. Here are some typical examples of its Spring-Summer 2004 collections.
阿根廷籍的Roberto Torretta,一向是设计性感晚装的个中能手,这次以夺目的蓝绿色,构思出活泼跳脱的迷你裙装。
Argentinean designer Roberto Torretta is renowned as the master of sexy evening-wear, this time he turned to a pink and a teal miniskirt with matching jacket.
在西班牙时装设计界能登大雅之堂的Javier Larrainzar,以亮白的珠饰令一件上衣充满结构美。
Javier Larrainzar, who is presentable among other Spanish designers, constructed this sheer top with white beadings.
崇尚普普风格的西班牙新锐设计师Agatha Ruiz de la Prada,在用色方面和灵感经常带有幽默感和童真。
Budding designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada is a supporter of pop art, whose colors and inspiration often smack of humor and naivety.
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