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MEDIA.SOHU.COM  2003年09月28日16:11  环球视野

  今日利国 Today’s Liberia

  苦难何时终? When will be the end to the sufferings?



  Thousands of people were killed and more than 300 thousand refugees left their homes during the civil war that has lasted for years in Liberia.

  Political situation in Liberia has been unstable for a long time. As early as in the 15th century Portuguese started African slave trade there. The land was then invaded by the colonist from Holland, England, France and Germany. From 1847, the year Liberia declared independence, to 1997 the day Taylor became president, there had been endless tribal stnfes and civil wars

  政权易手 Handover of Power



  In recent years, there have been endless civil wars in Liberia as the rebel Liberian United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) attempted to topple Taylor’s government. On August 11, 2003, Taylor finally exiled to Nigeria under international pressure. New president Blah will, however, demit in October, 2003. He is now in progress with the rebels on forming an interim government. Yet it is still difficult to reach consensus over power distribution shortly.

  Poverty and hunger still remain.

  活在无望之中 Living in Hopelessness


  Of course human is afraid of death, but it is more horrible and sad to live in hopelessness. The civil war has been continuing so many years and it turns Liberia into a poor nation. Unemployment rate reached 70%. There are only two things among Liberians: wars and refuge. People are killing each other, and all the rules and orders are broken in society.

  活在饥荒中 Living in Hunger


  A survey indicates that nearly 40% of young children living in camps for displaced people in the Liberian capital Monrovia suffer from malnutrition. They are not only suffering from bad health, but hypoplasia of brain, which will destroy their whole life.

  活在伤痛中 Living in Pain



  Medical materials are very inadequate in several regions. According to local journalists, hospitals were rebuilt from abandoned buildings. Wounded soldiers were under operation without drugs.

  It’s a pity the Liberians are having to face a shortage of food and medicines due to civil war. It’s a common wish of international community that there is prompt improvement for them to live a better life.




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