面对严重贪污腐败的情况,中国政府一直积极打击,并由最高人民检察院统领各地区执法机关进行反贪。但是,由于在宣传、教育、预防、社会监察、媒体揭发等方面存在着严重不足的情况,加上长期以来执政党内的官官相护,利益分配等问题,致使许多大案及重要案件不了了之。其次还有地方司法部门的整体素质不高,使执法不公,效率缓慢等情况仍普遍存在。 Earnest Responsibilities China has done a lot in fighting corruption and the Supreme People's Procuratorate is responsible for commanding law enforcing offices of different regions. However, insufficient promotion, education, prevention, social censor and media exposure, adding other issues like how to share the cake, and officials in the ministers are protecting each others, a lot of significant cases are far from disclosure. There are also other problems like the overall standard of the justice department is not good enough which leads to inequity and inefficacy. 转自搜狐 |