与香港相反,虽然经过中国政府近年的大力改革,但各地贪污的情况并没有得到太大改善。单是去年,涉案达百万元以上的大案便多达五千五百多宗,涉嫌贪污的处长级以上官员更近一万三千人,还有其它仍未计算大大小小的案件,反映内地贪污的情况相当严重。在今年年初的人大会议上,人大新闻发言人姜恩柱表示,中国内地一些偏远地区,贪污腐败的情形日趋增加,中国政府需要尽快解决此问题。 Bribery Whirlwind Even China government has paid great efforts in reforming the situation, not much progress seemed to have corrected the condition of bribery. Last year, serious cases involving bribery of up to a million renminbi has reached up to 5,500, suspects of department head ranking nearly numbered to 13,000 people. There were still many cases not taken into account, the picture is a reflection of how corruption is eroding China. Jiang Enzhu, news spokesman of the National’s People Congress has expressed early this year during the congress, that some boondocks in the Mainland are worsening and China should find ways to solve the problem immediately. 转自搜狐 |