其实,香港在六,七十年代时,贪污的风气比现在的中国有过之而无不及,但自廉政公署成立后,在反贪污上发辉了显着的作用,短短数年间令香港成为一个廉洁的地方。香港在这方面的经验,值得内地政府借镜。香港的成功,亦说明了肃贪倡廉的改革虽然困难,但只要制度设计合理,有绝对公正而且不偏不倚的执行机构执法,绝对能够建立一个廉洁的社会。 A Good Reference Corruption ethos in Hong Kong during the 60’s and 70’s were not any better than the present situation in China. With ICAC, Hong Kong became a clean society and the experience is a good reference for China. The success is an illustration that even the reform has to undergo a lot of hardships, but under the condition that the checking system is well dictated by a fair enforcing organization, a clean society will not be far from maturity. 转自搜狐 |