1. 金瑪倫戴雅絲 Cameron Diaz
收入︰約三千九百萬美元 金瑪倫戴雅絲靠電影《神探俏嬌娃》在海外上映的票房分紅及其他收入,在二零零一年賺取近四千萬元,成為全球收入最高的女星。她自今年年中與Justin Timberlake拍拖以來,一直過著甜蜜戀愛生活,愛情事業兩得意,實在羨煞旁人。
Annual Income: About USD 39,000,000 Cameron became actress with the highest annual income mainly by the profit sharing of the film “Charlie’s Angels” in 2001. While she has a successful career, she also enjoys a sweet romance with Justin Timberlake.
2. 珍妮花露柏絲 Jennifer Lopez
收入︰約三千八百萬美元 將於來年與荷李活影星賓艾佛力結婚的珍妮花露柏絲,在去年接拍了《鴛鴦綁匪》、《Jersey Gril》等電影,而且大碟銷量極佳,成為收入第二高的女星,實在不足為奇。
Annual Income: About USD 38,000,000 It is no wonder she ranks second, when Jennifer filmed “Gigli”, “Jersey Girl” and many other films and recorded some albums. She will marry with Ben Affleck, a Hollywood actor, in 2004.
3. 珊娜布朗 Sandra Bullock
收入︰約三千一百萬美元 珊娜布朗花了近七年時間,拍了十五部電影,才在一九九四年以《生死時速》成名。她的最新作品《Vapor》將於二零零四年推出。
Annual Income: About USD 31,000,000 After working hard for 7 years and taking parts in 15 films, Sandra become well-known in 1994 by the film “Speed”. Her newest film, “Vapor”, will be on show in 2004.
10. 妮歌潔曼 Nicole Kidman
收入︰約一千五百萬美元 澳洲女星妮歌潔曼,於一九八九年在《飛越地平線》的出色演出,令她受到美國影壇注意,從此事業如日中天。她最近與搖滾樂手Lenny Kravitz戀情曝光,又是事業愛情皆得意的另一例證。
Annual Income: About USD 15,000,000 Australian actress Nicole Kidman became famous since she performed capitally in “Dead Calm” filmed in 1989. She is just another example of winner of both career and romance. She has recently started a love affair with Rock n' Roll singer Lenny Kravitz.
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