髮編蜘蛛網 上髮型屋,只是染色、電髮是否略嫌沒有新意?何不嘗試圖中這個髮型?一名參加亞太區髮型奧林匹克比賽的髮型師,以頭髮織成一個蜘蛛網,極具創意。 Hair-made Spider Web Feeling bored with the traditional coloring and perming hair styling? Why not try this new hairstyle? It is a design of a competitor in the Asia-Pacific Hair Olympic. He was inspired by a spider web and used braided hair to finish his new design.
盛裝跑手 在一個有三十六名世界級跑手參加的貝魯特國際馬拉松比賽中,其中一名參加者穿上了婚紗參加,形象十分突出。 Attired Runner A participant wears a wedding dress while running in the Beirut International Marathon in Lebanon. However, the competition is not for fun: 36 professional runners are participating in the game.
嚇人映像 如果香港特區行政長官董建華在鏡子中看到這映像,會有甚麼感覺?其實這是示威者不滿其施政的表達,認為他沒有管治能力。 Terrified Image What will Hong Kong’s chief executive Tung Chee-hwa think if he sees the piggy image from the mirror? It is just an expression of the protesters’ unsatisfaction. They thought that Tung is incapable of administrating Hong Kong.
鬼魅歌后 冰島歌唱天后Bjork出席Fashion Rock時裝展時,佩戴由設計師Alexander McQueen設計的銀色珠片面具,令人聯想起《歌聲魅影》中的劇院鬼魅。 Ghostly Chantress Iceland singer Bjork wears a silvery beaded mask designed by Alexander McQueen at the “Fashion Rock” fashion show. The haunted image can easily be associated with the phantom at the musical “Phantom of the Opera”.