鞏俐將任影展評審 Gong Li Chairs the Jury
國際巨星鞏俐,將於十一月出任東京電影展評審團主席。她日前在台北出席籌款活動時,避談與男藝人孫紅雷的緋聞,更希望傳媒不要再追問。 Actress Gong Li has been selected as the chairlady of the jury for the Tokyo Film Festival to be held in November. She avoided the topics about her love affairs with actor Sun Hong-lei while attending a charity activity in Taipei, and made clear that she does not want to talk about it anymore.
TVB8金曲榜頒獎典禮 TVB8 Annual Music Awards
日前TVB8頻道舉行「2003年TVB8金曲榜頒獎典禮」記者會,李克勤、梁詠琪、陳文媛、古巨基、盧巧音、關心妍、鄧健泓、馬浚偉、陳驊、E-Kids、張敬軒及深南大道等歌手出席,為活動宣傳及預祝頒獎禮能順利舉行。頒獎禮將於十二月七日舉行,屆時中國地區及其它華人聚居地皆能收看當日的盛況。 TVB held a press conference earlier for its Channel 8’s Annual Music Awards Presentation. Singers Hacken Lee, Gigi Leung, Bobo Chan, Leo Ku, Candy Lo, Jade Kwan, Patrick Tang, Steven Ma and others appear to promote the activity. The award presentation will be held on December 7 and will be broadcasted to regions where Chinese are populated.
陶台北演唱會 David Tao's Concert
歌手陶在台北舉行演唱會,獲贊助商送上金麥克風。他日前出席活動時,刻意站在周杰倫及蔡依琳中間,似是為免這對舊情人同場演出,出現尷尬場面。 Singer David Tao is presented a golden microphone before his concert in Taipei. He was standing between Jay Chau and Jolin Tsai while attending an activity, to avoid embarrassment while the past lovers performed together.
十大中文金曲記者會 Press Conference of Gold Songs Award
香港電台日前舉行「第二十六屆十大中文金曲」揭幕記者會,出席歌手眾多,包括張學友、黃耀明、李克勤、容祖兒、梁詠琪及何韻詩等。頒獎禮將於十二月十九日舉行,並會頒發「十大金曲獎」、「全球華人至尊金曲」、「最受歡迎歌手」等獎項。 Radio Television Hong Kong held an opening conference for the 26th Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Award. Jacky Cheung, Anthony Wong, Hacken Lee, Joey Yung, Gigi Leung and Denise Ho and more than 20 other singers appear at the press conference. The award presentation ceremony will be held on December 19. Awards to be presented include “Top Ten Chinese Golden Songs”, “Global Chinese Gold Song Award” and “Most Popular Singer Award”.